Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Bag Ladies of the Fat Quarter Club


I finishes Charlotte Last Friday.  

I did not get her until the 15th,  I had to call the Chickadee  to get it shipped. I have already called them about March.  If it is not here by Saturday, I will be calling them again. I am not sure what is happening in their shipping department, but I really expected to get the next months Lady before the end of the current month.  Maybe I am mistaken, but that is the way most BOM's work. 

I am going to try a different stabilized on the next one.  This month, it pulled away from the fabric and then shrank when I pressed her just like last month. Slow learner! However, they do look rather frumpy with the wrinkles they get when pressed. 

I have ordered hot fix nail heads or studs for buttons for the Ladies.

Monday, February 27, 2017

I usually have to finish a quilt before starting something else.  That said, I have at least 5 in progress   that are all within completion range.

We did  Farm Girl as a BOM at the local store. We finished up last spring, but I was busy helping a friend down size and move.  That took up 6 months of time and then I was so tired of fabric, kits, patterns and books that I could not get my head back into sewing. Since I love miniature quilts,  every month of Farm Girl, I made mini blocks.  We had a 12 inch and a two 6 inch blocks every month, so I turned them into 6 and 3 inch blocks.  I had to draft paper piecing for the 3 inch blocks!  This week I made 8 more blocks and today I am going to lay out both sizes and see how they will fit together. (1 and 2 of 5) .

!2 inch and 6 inch blocks   (48 X 66)

 Mini  6 inch and 3 inch blocks (24x33) 

I have a Jelly Roll Race quilt that my group did in January that I am prepping the back for so my husband can get it on the frame to quilt.   Yes, he is my quilter.   This is number 3 of 6.


 This is my backing fabric

 The 4th started project is a Texas quilt.  I have three blocks left on this one.  I will have to hire the quilting out on this one because it will not fit our frame.  The state seal block is digitized and ready to stitch out.  The lower tip of Texas is prepped and ready to top stitch.  That leaves the lower corner flowers.  That is next up.

 Number 5  is the Jim Shore Seasonal Cats.  I finished the top late last year but has not made the back.  It is a pieced back from the left over fabrics.  These were designed to be either a large quilt of twelve Mini quilts.  If you made the large quilt, you used the fat quarter meant for the back of the mini to piece the large back.

 This is one block

Angel is happy to show off the back.

This is how the finished quilt will look. 

At the start of the weekend, I had not made the two backs or two of the tops.